When: September 6th 8am PDT
Main page:
- Stéfan van der Walt (Scientific Python)
- Juanita Gomez (Scientific Python)
- Pamphile Roy (Scientific Python)
- Paige Martin (Pangeo)
- Ryan Abernathey (Pangeo)
- Jim Pivarski (Scikit-HEP)
- Henry Schreiner (Scikit-HEP)
- Levi Wolf (Geography)
- Martin Fleischmann (Geography)
- Pey Lian Lim (Astropy)
- Isaac Virshup (scverse)
(10 min) Stéfan discuss purpose of meeting and goals (10 min)
(20 min) Would something like
be useful? Those are one-to-one model. Would a many-to-many model be better? What would that look like? Should we do both? Should we create meta-packages? Would just pointing to domain stack pages be sufficient? If so, how might we try to make these pages look more unified and consistent?
(20 min) What parts of already organized domain stacks should be “promoted” to the ecosystem level (i.e., Scientific Python). For example, would it make sense to merge discussion forums (using categories and tags to keep things organized); guidelines for new packages; governance structures; and codes of conduct standards, reporting guidelines, and review committees. Are there tools being developed in the domain stacks that would make more sense being made more visible at the ecosystem level? For example, packaging tools or training materials? Are there resources that don’t currently exist that we should create?
(10 min) Stéfan lead discussion about next steps. Who does what? Should we meet again? Should we form smaller working groups? Or bigger? How frequently should we meet? What other domain stacks exist? How do we engage with them?